Brunch Culture…Where Have You Been All My Life!!!

For those of us from, let’s face it, anywhere outside of the south, we are sorely mistaken about what Sundays are made for! How many of you use your Sundays for projects or even doing work to get ready for the week ahead? I know you do, I did! However, not anymore thanks to the Brunch Culture of Charleston and the laid-back lifestyle Charleston has to offer. Reconnect with your family, your community and slow down. Therefore, let’s dig into what Brunch Culture is all about.

Sundays Are For Family

To simply Sundays in the south, they go something like this:

  1. Church 
  2. Brunch
  3. Nap / Football / Nap
  4. Family Dinner

Its that simple, but let’s face it, that is what Sundays are for, the ability the recharge & reconnect with family, your neighbors, and your faith. However, we have to give respect to all that is the great meal of brunch!

Brunch – The Meal Created By The Gods!

In the south, brunch is an event. You see, you don’t just show up at a restaurant and expect to be seated – at least not those with fantastic chefs & menus to satisfy any palate. For example, we usually are making our next Sunday’s brunch reservation at the tail end of our brunch meal. Consistently planning ahead to ensure we get to eat somewhere we know will satisfy not only my wife and me but the small list of likes for our kids! I call it an “event” as your typical brunch lasts 2 hours, provides the overly full feeling at the end of the meal, and maybe even a slight buzz from the alcohol!  The standard go-to brunch meal includes the following at most restaurants:

  • Large drink menu with specialty cocktails like Bellinis, Bloody Marys, and more (even wine a beer starting at 10am Sunday
Multiple Drinks To Fit Your Fancy! 
  • Grits – if you’ve not experienced the great carb that is grits, make sure you check out Grace & Grit first for your ideal loss of your grit virginity. 
Multiple Grit Options From Grace & Grit – Even A Grit Flight to Taste The Grit Rainbow!!!
  • Biscuits – you’re not eating a southern brunch if there is not a biscuit included. Forget toast, a biscuit is the ideal “Bread” item for any breakfast meal. One of the most popular dishes you will find is the vaunted “Chicken Biscuit.” A biscuit, topped with a fried chicken breast, over easy eggs & sausage gravy! The only meal you will need all day!
  • The Other “Fixins” – this includes your breakfast meats (bacon, sausage, ham etc.), pancakes, waffles, omelets, eggs and anything else your heart desires!

Just Brunch It!

The next time you find yourself in the south, or hell, do like we did and make the wonderful move, make sure you schedule in a great brunch for you and your travel mates! The event is sure to please all in your party and provide the perfect opportunity to connect with your friends and family as it is truly a meal that is all about FAMILY.

(Individual restaurant brunch reviews to come!)