Pitt Street Bridge

Pitt Street Bridge – Natural Beauty

Quickly becoming one of our favorite family evening activities, Pitt Street Bridge is a beautiful, relaxing way to end your day. Situated on what used to be a true bridge spanning Cove Inlet, this park allows the family to take an evening stroll while watching the sunset over Fort Sumter. Our girls enjoy running from palm tree to palm tree as my wife and I take in an evening stroll.  The park is always full of families, couples walking their dogs, amateur photographers, crabbers, & fisherman.

A bit on the history of Pitt Street:

  • Before the Revolutionary War, a plank bridge built on top of barrels was constructed to cross the Cove Inlet separating Mount Pleasant from Sullivan’s Island
  • In 1864, the HL Hunley crew crossed the footbridge on the way to the Breach Inlet to test dive the submarine
  • A trolly bridge spanned the cove in 1898 and was replaced by a vehicle bridge in 1927

You can find us here at least 2-3 nights a week letting the girls get their energy out!